Dashboard In A Day (DIAD): 6. Using Power Query to append and merge data

Episode 6 in a series about the basics of working with Power BI, mostly using the Dashboard In A Day (DIAD) dataset.

In this episode we build on our new knowledge of the different types of join (from Episode 5) to apply merge and append to a real dataset using Power Query. We are using a different dataset from the one used previously. See the link below to download it.


Previous episode on the six types of join: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td0uqIWRp-w
Microsoft’s page about the Dashboard In A Day (DIAD) course: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/instructor-led-training/#section_diad
Download the special dataset for this episode here: https://analyticus-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/gideon_mitchell_op-training_co_uk/ERAI6v1dLeRFpgWfn_wYUd4B41ZwNjOqV-25m4P_wxCAzw?e=2wJFNl
Further details about the course on the OP-Training website: https://op-training.co.uk/diad-landing-page/