Dashboard In A Day (DIAD): 7. adding a relationship to the data model

Episode 7 in a series about the basics of working with Power BI, mostly using the Dashboard In A Day (DIAD) dataset.

In this episode we come back to the DIAD dataset and check whether the data model is complete. We find that a new relationship needs to be added and in the process create two new calculated column formulas. We add the new relationship and find that the data model now works. See the link below to download the Power BI file to use as a starting-point.


Previous episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq4WEhsgGXw
Microsoft’s page about the Dashboard In A Day (DIAD) course: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/instructor-led-training/#section_diad
Download the pbix file containing the dataset to use as a starting-point: https://analyticus-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/gideon_mitchell_op-training_co_uk/ETAgjrZNhiBAj-KNN7GKiFcBzuHrgANF1V4D99XVnw80gQ?e=USYpBQ
Further details about the course on the OP-Training website: https://op-training.co.uk/diad-landing-page/