Based in the UK, we cover the whole of Europe plus the Middle East and North and East Africa. Courses are delivered in English.


Private courses

In addition to the public courses that you will see scheduled on this website, we run private courses for specific clients. These can be arranged on dates that suit you (subject to our availability) and run on a time zone to suit the participants.

Private courses work better when you need to train up a team on a particular subject, allowing company specific issues to be discussed in the group. They are less expensive than public courses when at least five attendees join the same course. More cost reductions are likely if you wish to run a programme of several courses with us, for example if you are investing in Power BI and need many employees to understand how to use the system as developers or end users.

For a quotation for a private course or an informal discussion about how we might be able to help you, please contact us.

Please also get in touch if you would like advice about the content of a course and which would be most suitable for you or your team.

Call or email Gideon Mitchell at:

+44 777 176 2510